World of Warcraft: MiniZep Gift Now Under the Winter's Veil Tree!

by on Dec 28, 2010

<P>Winter’s Veil is one of my favourite festivals and not just because you can turn your trusty (flying) mount into a (flying) reindeer with a red nose.

Winter’s Veil is one of my favourite festivals and not just because you can turn your trusty (flying) mount into a (flying) reindeer with a red nose. Yes, Winter’s Veil also means presents for all of use good World of Warcraft-playing boys and girls!

Old hands will know about the trees in Ironforge and Orgrimmar but if you got WoW for Christmas, take a peek underneath to see a bunch of shiny, wrapped packages. One of these, regardless of your level, will be this year’s super-duper Winter’s Veil gift: The MiniZep Controller. Apparently, folks who opened their presents a little early today found coal in their gifts but a little sleight of hand from Rygarius soon fixed that! He obviously in a good mood as apparently Greatfather Winter gave him a banhammer for Winter's Veil.

The controller launches your own little Zeppelin (Boubouille over at MMO Champion has a nice shot of the toy in action. It’s basically for fun and stuns you when it eventually explodes but it does have some nifty practical uses, especially if you’re a level 15 Worgen hunter. For example, I like to use it to scout the area from above looking for specific mobs. So what are you waiting for? Go grab yours from under the tree now!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016