World of Warcraft Save the Date

by on Aug 05, 2014

No, neither Blizzard nor World of Warcraft are engaged. We won't have to deal with our Uncle Fred drinking too much around relatives and we certainly won't have to deal with our future mother-in-law's hyper overacting to everything. However, what you are invited to, could be something really cool. Far cooler than tiny sandwiches with the crusts cut off, at least.

So, what can you expect? Well, several things. First up, attendees will be able to see the world premier of the Warlords of Draenor cinematic, which will be streamed live from the Ace Theatre in Los Angeles. Mike Morhaime and Chris Metzen of Blizzard, along with Ion Hazzikostas and Brian Holinka, designers for World of Warcraft, will be hosting the event. Not only will the event unveil the new cinematic, but there will also be an interview with the devs and the first episode of Blizzard's new animated lore mini-series, Lords of War, will debut.

If you're in LA, you're invited to attend in person. The venue is located in the Ace Hotel, at 929 South Broadway. However, there is limited seating, so you might want to show up before doors opening at 8:30am! Anyone who does attend in person will also have the sweet deal of walking away with a beta key. That alone almost makes me wish I were heading to LA and not Las Vegas on August 14 to hang out with a whole different type of elf.

However, the one thing that we will also find out on this day is another date, one we've been waiting for: the street date for Warlords of Draenor. Rejoice! No longer will you have to keep wondering exactly when Soon(tm) is. What are your best guesses as to what the date will be?

When: Thursday, August 14, 2014 Where: The Ace Theatre in the Ace Hotel, 929 South Broadway, Los Angeles, California or online at Time: Doors begin at 8:30am PDT and the event will begin at 9:30am PDT - once again, it is advised to show up early if you want plan on attending in person, as seats are first come, first serve! For more information, check out the official invite

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016