WoW - 3.3.5 Is Now Live!

by on Jun 22, 2010

<h3>3.3.5 Now Live!</h3> <p>The information was correct. Patch 3.3.5 went live today after an extremely long extended maintenance.

3.3.5 Now Live!

The information was correct. Patch 3.3.5 went live today after an extremely long extended maintenance. North American servers went online at approximately 8pm EST and players flooded in to try out the new additions to the game.

The Real ID interface in World of Warcraft was very well implemented in my opinion. It's easy to use and has great functionality; being able to chat with players across servers and factions is a great addition (not to mention chatting with your friends playing Starcraft II when it comes out)!

It's time to update your mods however, as the patch broke a huge number of addons from unitframes to chat mods (no brainer there, really). The game underwent some significant UI changes, particularly to the chat UI, and there aren't really mods available yet to address the changes so players will have to make do with what's around until the modders out there have time to cook something up.

Icecrown Citadel Buff Increased

The second to last installment of the zone-wide ICC buff also kicked in this week bringing the total up to 25% additional hit points, damage, and healing. The buff will cap out at 30% which will be available in 4 weeks, and if you can't kill Lich King at that point then... try harder!

The Ruby Sanctum will also be available for play next Tuesday, and may be a rude awakening for players accustomed to the luxury of a 25% buff. Ruby Sanctum won't have any such buff, and Halion (the end boss) has an aura that negates 20% dodge on his target and adds 5% hit to his other statistics which is even more brutal than the Chill of the Throne debuff in Icecrown Citadel!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016