WoW - Anniversary Site: Interview with Luek

by on Mar 17, 2010

<p>In their <a href="">latest installment</a> on the <em>World of Warcraft </em>5th anniversary site <em>Blizzard </em>interviews Luek,

In their latest installment on the World of Warcraft 5th anniversary site Blizzard interviews Luek, a long time WoW player who has managed to achieve 2200 in all three arena brackets as well as significant success in the raiding game.

In their previous three fansite interviews Blizzard interviewed an infamous roleplaying guild, a forum MVP, and a successful raiding guild. In their newest article their goal is to give players a look into the career of a WoW player who has been successful in all facets of the game.

I came across a few members of a guild named Wanderers, and I was immediately interested in joining because they were the only real progression-oriented group on the Horde side at the time. Molten Core was where the raid experience began for me, and it quickly grew on me despite the fact that you needed 40 relatively skilled players to get anywhere.

Luek explains what originally drew him to World of Warcraft and what kept him interested through Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. It's a familiar and nostalgic story for many of us who have played since the game's release. It'll make you remember how world PvP by Tarren Mill begat the battlegrounds and the honor grind for rank which then gave way to Arenas, and 40 man content evolved into the 25 player raids that we now participate in .

It's a fun article to read, and contains a few tips and insights into PvP balance from a player who has seen it all. Two articles remain in the anniversary series, both from prominent Blizzard developers. Stay tuned!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016