WoW Celebrates 11th Anniversary

by on Nov 17, 2015

Did someone say {Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker}?

World of Warcraft fans, make an effort to log into the game this week. WoW is celebrating its 11th anniversary and you will not want to miss out on the achievement and super fun loot that go along with it. Running from November 16th-30th, players will receive the following as part of the celebration this year:

Inflatable Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker Did Someone Say...? Feat of Strength for equipping the Inflatable Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker Celebration Wand - Gnoll Celebration Wand - Murloc Exquisite Costume Set: "Edwin VanCleef" Celebration Package - 11% increased experience/reputation for Draenor Pathfinder for 1 hour WoW's 11th Anniversary Achievement 

While this anniversary isn't as complex as last years (Molten Core and Tauren Mill vs. Southshore), it is still worth logging in for. For a few years the anniversary celebration felt a little lackluster. Logging in during this time meant little more than an extra achievement and many players felt a little jilted by the lack of effort. While not receiving cute toys, pets, and other non-essential items may seem like a small thing, these tiny gestures really made the community feel that developers cared. It is excellent to see that the torch as once again been taken back up and the anniversary is something players can look forward to logging in for. 

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016