WoW Classic Has A Launch Date

by on May 14, 2019

Mark August 27 On Your Calendar

We've been waiting on World of Warcraft Classic for a while, and it's set to officially launch on August 27. The latest blog post from Blizzard suggests it's still a testing period, and needs an active subscription, with the the stress test schedule starting from:

Stress Test 1: Wed May 22–Thurs May 23 Stress Test 2: Wed Jun 19– Thurs Jun 20 Stress Test 3: Thurs Jul 18– Fri July 19

*Dates of each stress test are subject to change.

What's also interesting is the fact those participating in the stress test will be picked by Blizzard based on some magical criteria. 

To fill our pool of beta and stress test participants, we’ll be choosing dedicated players who meet select criteria from both the WoW Classic beta opt-in and the standard Warcraft beta opt-in. 

In addition to this, character creation opens on August 13, with players able to create 3 characters. While you can read full details on the launch information and testing above, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on WoW Classic. Will you play it? Are you over it? Do you think it'll have any traction? Let me know.

Last Updated: May 14, 2019