WoW - Introducing the Official WoW Tap Pedal?!

by on Jun 28, 2010

<p><em>Blizzard</em> is releasing a <em>World of Warcraft </em>&quot;Tap Pedal&quot;. What's a tap pedal you ask?

Blizzard is releasing a World of Warcraft "Tap Pedal". What's a tap pedal you ask? Apparently they think that there is a market for a foot-driven (literally) alternative to push-to-talk voice communication systems. Maybe there is! This is definitely the weirdest WoW peripheral released lately, and that includes beer steins!

From Creative's Asia Website:

The Sound Blaster® World of Warcraft® Tap Chat™ foot pedal gives you an edge over others, as it can be used as a push-to-talk key or to trigger a favorite macro, keeping your hands free to have total control in the game.

Put yourself in control
Map your push-to-talk key or favorite macro to the USB foot control pedal, keeping your hands free to have total control in the game. Bonus headset lenses
As a special bonus for Sound Blaster World of Warcraft Tap Chat users, a unique pair of interchangeable headset lenses for the headset with the World of Warcraft logo is included with the package.

Note: "Sound Blaster World of Warcraft Voice Tap" is now known as "Sound Blaster World of Warcraft Tap Chat™"

So there you have it, if you just can't make space for an additional keybind because you play a Holy Paladin then a solution is coming soon! Blizzard is, if nothing else, becoming incredibly adept at marketing virtually anything that they can get someone to produce and somehow tie into World of Warcraft.

Take a look at the official page here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016