WoW Performance Problems Draw Attention

by on Apr 24, 2006

<strong>Cnet notes poor server performance of <em>World of Warcraft</em></strong><br /> <br /> You saw it first at <a href="">TenTonHammer</a>, then (oddly enough) the Chin

Cnet notes poor server performance of World of Warcraft

You saw it first at TenTonHammer, then (oddly enough) the Chinese media picked up the banner. Finally, the mainstream internet media is calling Blizzard to task for poor WoW server performance, including rampant downtime and chronic login problems. This, from Cnet:

Ito said the server problems have been particularly frustrating for him and his guild members because of the particular flavor of virtual "quests" they often run in WoW.

"Difficulty logging in (and) servers going down--it's become a normal part of our lives," Ito said. "It really does suck for us because we're running higher-level (quests) where it takes us a few hours to get to the (goal) and sometimes the server suddenly goes down right near the end before we finish. And they are unannounced (and) you just see people on the server--guild list--start dropping off."

Read the entire "WoW Battles Server Problems" article at

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016