WoW - Wrathgate Cards In Stores Now!

by on May 26, 2010

<p>Today<em> Blizzard</em> released some new information about the <em>World of Warcraft: The Card Game</em> Wrathgate expansion.

Today Blizzard released some new information about the World of Warcraft: The Card Game Wrathgate expansion. This is the first TCG release since production of the series changed hands from Upper Deck to Cryptozoic.

The Wrathgate set is now available for purchase at local stores that carry WoW cards.

CG: Wrathgate Preview -- Argent Crusade by William Brinkman

As we continue our journey through the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game's fourth year, card players are battling on the shores of Northrend, just like their online brethren. Scourgewar, the first set to feature Wrath of the Lich King content, had heroes fending off the initial waves of Scourge. The heroes could also align themselves with the Nerubians of Azjol-Nerub in addition to their Horde or Alliance faction. Because Nerubians are a proud and frightful race, bringing yourself closer to the arachnids may not be for every adventurer. With the May 25 release of Wrathgate, the second set with Wrath of the Lich King content, gamers will be able to align with a friendlier face: the Argent Crusade.

The rest of the preview is available here on the official site. Here are some of the new cards to give you an idea of how they look. Based off the web images the production quality hasn't been compromised by the change in producers so if you're a collector head out and pick some up!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016