Xbox One Division Players are Losing their Agents

by on Apr 14, 2016

After the Incursion update, many Xbox One players have lost their characters.

There have been a lot of reported bugs, glitches, and mistakes that came with the Incursion update to the Division but the most devastating hit came to Xbox One players. After updating the game and loading in many found that their Agents that they had spent the last month building was completely gone without a trace. 

The issue was caused by a malfunctioning server that couldn't synchronize character data correctly and corrupted them instead. The game client was unable to read this corrupted data, and simply assumed that the character didn't exist. Once this has been identified, we were able to restore the server to its normal functions, thus ensuring that the issue will no longer occur for other players.

Fortunately Ubisoft has identified the problem and is working on launching an emergency update to restore the missing Agents as sson as they can.

Last Updated: Apr 14, 2016