XCOM 2 Update Fixes Some of the Games Biggest Bugs

by on Feb 18, 2016

A new update for XCOM 2 is out, and thankfully fixes some of the glaring bugs.

XCOM 2 shipped with a bunch of bugs on launch day that cased everything from game crashes to performance issues, and even the odd corrupted save. In their first update, Firaxis has said they've squashed all of the most prominent bugs such as the one that would not let you progress past the Resistance Communications mission, and the ability to load a game that had been saved with a unit under the Chryssalid Cocoon effect.

While the bug fixes are definitely welcome, many were hoping to see performance improvements to a game that is running like it needs a serious tuneup. The loading screens can be painstakingly slow (especially just returning to base), and there are stops and stutters for some when moving on the battle map on the higher graphics settings, even though they are sporting some seriously heavy hardware.

XCOM 2 looks pretty, but it's not impressive enough to warrant the resources it seems to be taking up. Hopefully the next update will let us run silky smooth on the maximum settings.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016