Destiny Review

by on Nov 02, 2014

We review Destiny to see if it lives up to the massive hype surrounding its launch and if Bungie finally created the destined Halo Killer.

Destiny is the game of choice for many console players right now and has gotten more news coverage than any game in recent history, massive sales and everything, for a game without couch co-op and developed by Bungie, the makers of Halo, Myst, and many games long forgotten but very popular for their time. Is this the game that is going to be the Halo killer? Can Bungie develop its own Halo killer? Let's find out, but first...

Destiny IS an MMO, no matter the phrasing that Bungie uses, but it's also critical to understand that it's a bit more than just an MMO, it's an online game with a massive community, and a lot of eyes on it. With such a huge groundswell of attention sitting directly on it, it's very hard to make commentary because the audience is so huge and the tastes are so big. Which to me, is a great thing, and attests to the games ability to stand on its own two feet and shows that Bungie can create new IPs without having to constantly revive Master Ch(i)ef to come cook up some new trouble.

Bungie, of course, is known for its long line of successes and Destiny builds on it all, from Marathon and Myst to Halo, removing Oni from the picture of course. There is a little of something from each of the games and a lot of Halo in the mix (again, no Oni - the one off of a failed attempt at Bungie to expand studios is rarely mentioned) and overall, even if the game was to be terrible, there is still the issue of it already being a massive commercial success - reports that 3.2 million players are still actively engaged in the game.

With statistics like that, you might not need a review to help you decide if this is or isn't your next gaming purchase, but I do think reading the opinion of a seasoned gamer could help tip the scales in one direction or the other.

Last Updated: Mar 18, 2016