Heroes of the Storm Review

by on Jun 03, 2015

We review Blizzard's latest game and their first crack at the MOBA genre: Heroes of the Storm

In comparison to my good colleague, John Hoskin, I’m late to the party when it comes to Heroes of the Storm. I joined late due to playing far too much SMITE and Guild Wars 2 and when I did finally jump in several months ago, I pretty much abandoned all my go-to games. I think it’s fair to say that Blizzard make incredible games and they have a knack of not only delivering a polished product but one which somehow manages to scratch an itch you didn’t know was there. Heroes of the Storm is draining every free minute of my time and as someone who thought he disliked the clickiness of DOTA 2 and League of Legends in favour of SMITE and its telegraph system, Blizzard have somehow managed to create a game that not only matches its peers, surpasses all of them and still appeals to a spectrum of the gaming audience.

Last Updated: Mar 15, 2016