Mayan Death Robots Review

by on Dec 14, 2015

We take a look at this two-player worms-like game that marries Worms with Shattered Earth to

Mayan Death Robots marries Worms and Scorched Earth into a fast paced 1v1 artillary game, where your goal is to destroy the enemy's core with whatever you can use. Various heroes come to life with unique weaponary to face off against one another in a no holds barred contest to the death. The first core that takes a drive off the map or is reduced to 0% is declared the loser, while the robots have their own unique health pool (with the bonus that if you kill one of them, they lose a turn but can place themselves nearly anywhere on the map).

Maps vary drastically, with different locations for the core and the robots, plus mechanics like boss fights where the two robots fight it out to do the most damage, the winner receives some strong bonuses plus the entire map is basically destroyed and rebuilt. Mayas work around the clock to help defend you, attack the robot should he come on your side of the map, and defeating enemy mayas give you an explosion bonus.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016