While we're all patiently waiting for deployment to end, why not have a look at what we'll all be experiencing in just a little bit today. If you're like me, you're waiting for the H1Z1 servers to come up. SOE President John Smedley just announced in the H1Z1 subreddit (it's the closest thing to official forums the game has currently) that deployment is taking longer than anticipated. While they've pushed the launch time back an hour, people like myself are patiently F5ing the Steam page waiting to fork over 20 bones to SOE so we can hop on the Early Access train. I like the $20 basic price point far better than the options Landmark initially had and that's an Early Access buy-in I can live with. Smed posted this to Twitter when the initially planned launch time didn't quite happen:
deployment taking longer than expected. ETA 2pm. Don't rage folks.. it's almost here.
I'm not too worried to hop into survival bro-town immediately. So, there's only guy models. I'm sure they're not very customizable right now, either. This isn't the first time today that launch has been pushed back, but this isn't a full launch. People should keep in mind that this is Early Access and essentially alpha. I'd recommend people to keep an open mind heading into the game, because it will likely be full of bugs, placeholders, and ideas that are barely implemented. I can't say this for certain, because when the servers come up today, this will be my first time experiencing the game. I do like that they're aiming to have a larger multitude of servers, including non-zombie ones.
Did you know that Team Hammer plans on streaming the game? In cause you missed the giant promo banner today (do click to see Skylatron's awesome image of herself preparing), we're planning on streaming today when servers are up, depending on availability. While the schedule is initially Skylatron and Veluux, you can expect some of us other folks to hop in and out of the game to join them during streams! I hope this to be something pretty rad and I know I'm certainly looking forward to this Early Access.
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