Mortal Online is joining the free-to-play bandwagon. The announcement comes by way of the Mortal Online forums along with details of the new payment model that allows players to choose to play for free or subscribe for premium benefits. Free accounts are bound to some restrictions as you might expect. Players can experience all the games content but skill restrictions are set to 60 from, down from 100. But subscribing will unlock the other 40 skills.
Both free and premium accounts start with only a single character slot with a total of four that can be unlocked with a purchase. Players that have previously purchased a version of the Mortal Online will have 3 character slots grandfathered in that will remain open and available for play.
Subscribing to Mortal Online provides a few other benefits aside from the extra 40 skills. Players that pony up the extra cash will also be able to use thievery skills, loot expensive objects and trade expensive objects.
Additional details about the free-to-play transition are available on the Mortal Online forums. Currently the download page still redirects to the subscription section, so stay tuned for more details as they become available. Check out the free-to-play trailer after the break.
via Massively
Source: Mortal Online Free-to-Play Announcement
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