Flagship Studios has been working very hard to make
style="font-style: italic;">Mythos the one
free-to-play game that people can't stop talking about. The
action-oriented game has rested at the top of
href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/Top10F2P">Ralsu's Top Ten
Free-to-Play Games for the past two weeks.
Previously released on the Mythos
official site, Ten Ton Hammer has acquired this new game play video for
your enjoyment.
allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="&displayheight=288&file=http://images.tentonhammer.com/video/mythos/Mythos_trailer.flv&height=308&image=http://images.tentonhammer.com/video/support/previews/TTH_videos_Main_450x254.jpg&width=512&frontcolor=0xFFFFFF&backcolor=0x232A34" />
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