If you needed another reason to be excited to play Star Citizen, you have one today. The latest video from Cloud Imperium reveals the Anvil Aerospace Hornet Lineup in a video rendered 100% from the in-game engine. And if one thing is for certain, it’s that Chris Roberts has the future of the gaming experience in mind.

“We’re pushing the limits with Star Citizen, and this commercial is our best example yet. It’s rendered 100% in-engine in real time at 4k resolution. We scale everything for the super high resolutions that will be the basis of tomorrow’s gaming experience; our assets are designed with high polycounts instead of having details baked into their textures. That’s a big part of why NVIDIA and AMD have been demoing Star Citizen at 4k! The next generation of CPUs and GPUs will make this kind of experience possible in gameplay, and we are building Star Citizen to be ready. With the Hornet commercial, we wanted to give our backers an early look."

In addition to the new Hornet line and shiny new trailer (included below for your convenience), Star Citizen is rapidly approaching its $24 million stretch goal, which will unlock a new public transportation system. Currently the stretch goal is sitting at 80% as of this writing.

Source: Introducing the Anvile Hornet Lineup

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Star Citizen Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

Stacy "Martuk" Jones was a long-time news editor and community manager for many of our previous game sites, such as Age of Conan. Stacy has since moved on to become a masked super hero, battling demons in another dimension.
