This Indie MMOG is looking better than some AAA titles.
Alpha testing is a time for refinement and completion of key features before turning your beta testers loose to break the game in as many ways as possible. And while The Repopulation is still working its way through its alpha testing phase, the MMOGs second alpha trailer shows a vast improvement over its first. The latest trailer shows off a much brighter world with improved graphics, more fluent combat, and teases a few other features that fans will enjoy getting a look at as part of todays video.
If that got your gaming taste buds salivating, you can make your way over to The Repopulation website to sign up for testing. If you want to ensure you get a chance to test things out, you can also become an early adopter before beta kicks off early next year.
If you've got a video you'd love to see featured as our Video of the Day, drop me a link at martuk[AT] You can also tweet me @TTHTuk on Twitter.
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