Hip to the Hype

From RPG, to Tabletop, to online MMORPG, the journey of Warhammer

Having followed Warhammer Online’s history since its beginnings with Climax (something best forgotten…) I’ve been watching the fan reactions to the game and what they think of it. From my local gaming store to fan emails I’ve received from certain articles I’ve written, there seems to be a huge hype around Warhammer Online and it only seems to be growing as the game comes closer.

Since the entire Warhammer mythology is based in a successful line of pen & paper RPG products, as well as a highly successful tabletop miniature game, there is an immediate following to the game already. In a market that is quickly becoming saturated with various new games, Mythic does not need to focus as much on building a following for their MMO as they have one ready to pick up their product. Warhammer fans have been talking about Warhammer as an MMO since the first games came out on the PC and now that a solid company has taken this project under their wing it seems like it will be coming to reality shortly. This does not mean that Mythic will have to ignore attracting new players to the game, but it should be easier for them.

The fact that most MMO’s out on the market are trying to distinguish themselves with something that will attract various different players. Games such as the vehicle based Auto Assault and the PvP oriented Dark & Light are all prime examples of MMOs that are going with a single idea and pushing forward with it. Mythic has thus far been doing an excellent job of putting a focus on their Realm Vs Realm style of PvP while also clearly showing that their game is Warhammer. Since Warhammer Online is not just RvR it seems that Mythic is not going with a single focus like most new MMOs are going with, and instead pushing the Warhammer theme itself. The Warhammer motif and RvR style of play may or may not be enough to keep the game afloat, but only time can be the judge of that.

On the subject of the Warhammer World and its distinct theme, it is a point of contention amongst the fans of the game if this spirit can be upheld in an MMO format. There are a number of people who love the Warhammer World but when it comes to getting ganked by “MMO Kiddies” they refuse to play at all. I can’t say I blame the people who don’t want to get sucked into an MMO as opposed to a game where they can actually see people and interact with them (like the RPG or the tabletop version of Warhammer) but at the same time I snicker when people say that “it’s a waste of time”. Even though I enjoy a good game of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, in the end it is the same as an MMO; a hobby. Personally I enjoy a game of Warhammer more then an equal amount of time playing an MMO, but that does not mean I am not willing play MMOs.

If players are looking for Warhammer in Warhammer Online, they will not be disappointed; the Warhammer World is quite well done from what has been released thus far. My discussions in the Location, Location, Location article goes into detail on the route Mythic has been and could be taking with Warhammer Online. If Mythic can keep the scale of their game to a realistic level then Warhammer fans should be able to appreciate it even more. Loyalists to the Warhammer World seem to agree that the world looks solid, and thus are following the hype around the game and waiting for the gameplay and features of Warhammer Online.

Going back to my travels at E3 I got the chance to experience Warhammer Online first hand. My personal impressions of the gameplay was that it was a solid MMO with excellent graphics, but nothing came out and ‘grabbed me’, that was until I encountered the Giant. With Messiah and I testing out Warhammer Online, I was wandering the Greenskin camp only to have a giant walk up close to me. As soon as I saw the traditional Warhammer Giant saunter on by, I was hooked. The fact that the world I had only seen in miniatures and roleplaying books had been brought to life in such a vivid way was amazing, and I’m sure other Warhammer fans will be interested in this. It’s one thing to command an army of soldiers from an eagle’s view, but it’s an entirely different thing to be one of those poor goblins in the thick of things.

If there’s one thing that Warhammer players can do, it’s to spend money. If Warhammer Online can attract even a faction of the fans that the Warhammer tabletop game has, then they will be set. Personally I think it’s about time that the Warhammer World be brought into the online realm, and if I may be so bold… I think it’s about time that someone came up and give WoW a run for their money. Only time will tell though…

-Ratboy Away!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
