Open Beta in early January

Nick Parkinson, aka Glip the Gnome, Community Manager for Sigil Games Online, announced that Sigil expects to begin Beta 5 (otherwise known as open beta) in early January. This means that fans who picked up pre-order boxes to gain open beta access to Vanguard will likely find themselves in the game soon. It also means the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) covering the release of Vanguard information from beta will likely be lifted.

Some Vanguard fans may consider moving into open beta so soon after beginning beta 4 a sign that the game is being rushed to release too early. While many Vanguard fans will certainly find the news exciting, others will likely find this announcement quite shocking. At any rate, it appears we will all soon get to see for ourselves if the game is being rushed or not.

I don't want to give an exact date for open beta, because there's a few things on our end we have to take care of that may change it by a few days first but early January is what we're planning on.

Read the full announcement below.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
