EVE Online is if nothing a game of constant evolution. With Tyrannis, a couple of problems arose from the old Courier Missions, so CCP has revamped the courier mission system to solve the two problems. CCP Tallest has posted what steps the devs have taken and why in his latest blog, but long story short, some of the mission items used for courier missions are also used for Planetary Interaction (PI) and the missions themselves were inconsistent between factions. To solve the problems, CCP has introduced new courier mission versions of PI commodities and revised the courier mission system as a whole.

What did we do to fix it?

Instead of fixing this issue by patching a few holes, we decided instead to do a wholesale revision to all of the basic courier missions in EVE. We decided upon a minimum and maximum cargo size for each level, as well as a standardized travel distance per level.

·         Level 1 courier missions: Cargo will fit into frigates, and the destination will be within your agent's constellation.

·         Level 2 courier missions: Cargo will fit into frigates, and the destination will be within your agent's constellation and/or a neighboring constellation.

·         Level 3 courier missions: Cargo will fit into industrials, and the destination will be within your agent's constellation and/or a neighboring constellation.

·         Level 4 courier missions: Cargo will fit into industrials, and the destination will be a neighboring constellation.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016

About The Author

Stacy "Martuk" Jones was a long-time news editor and community manager for many of our previous game sites, such as Age of Conan. Stacy has since moved on to become a masked super hero, battling demons in another dimension.
