New York Times looks at Vanguard

The New York Times has an excellent article examining the development and release of Vanguard Saga of Heroes. A fantastic article and one can tell that the writer appears to be a serious MMO player.

The general reaction to Vanguard has been mixed. Almost no one in the industry or online seems to think that it will overtake World of Warcraft any time soon, not least because the game seems to have glitches and crash occasionally for most users. But the vitriol of just a couple of months ago, when gamers found the test versions almost unplayable, has given way to grudging respect that Sigil pulled together a product worthy of its heritage. Both Mr. McQuaid and Sony acknowledge that Vanguard is still rough around the edges and that they pushed it out the door basically because the money ran out.

Read the full article below.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
