Ratboy's "Rant"icles

What exactly is a "Rant"icle you ask? A "Rant"icle is a combination of a rant
and an article; and Ratboy is extremely passionate when it comes to writing
these types of articles; so here is the collection of his current works!

Issue # Title Snippet

“Cheese” into the Online World

The gaming term of “Cheese” is used almost
exclusively when a player does a combination that allows him to stay
within the ruleset of the game, but is either breaking the spirit or theme
of the game in doing so...

Game is a Game is a Game!

While on my little relaxer from the known world, I
was thinking about what to do for my next issue of these articles,
eventually it hit me and I decided to talk about the spirit of the
3 href="http://warhammer.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=27">“World of Warhamm... Er… Warhammer Online” Ratboy goes into the deep differences between Warhammer Online and WoW. 12 Year olds beware, he may just change your mind!
4 href="http://warhammer.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=31">Breaking the Market? There's a lot of changes that are coming to the Warhammer Community with the upcoming release of Warhammer Online. I decided to talk about it.
5 MMO Spyware... Watch Out! Will EA Mythic be spying on you while playing a some Warhammer Online? Who knows...

Death of a Hobby Part 1

Is miniature gaming dying? Ratboy discusses his thoughts on the matter.

If you have a bone to pick with any of these articles, and want your opinions
expressed, or even if you have a topic you think should be explored, please
email Ratboy at href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected].


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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
