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How does this FAQ work?


Simply click on a question and find the answer you are looking for. Below the answer you may find further links to other related topics or extenal sites.

You will also find links to other questions in the same category.


What should I do if I find a mistake in the FAQ?


Please send an email to [email protected] with enough information to allow us to find the error.

Many thanks in advance to helping us keep things right.


Who should we thank for this FAQ?


First off we should all be thanking the genius of Polleke and Thrindil for the technical and visual aspects of the FAQ. Great job guys!

Secondly LotroSource and Eáránë in particular, for having belief in the project and for hosting it.

Thirdly, a special thankyou goes out to MAWorking and Bart, without whom the unofficial FAQ probably wouldn't exist in it's current form.

Lastly, The Soul Assassins, who's members not only came up with the idea and filled it with life, but also bugged everyone about it incessantly.



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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
