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What do we know about the kinship system?


When a group of players want to form a permanent alliance they can group themselves into Kinships. Some features of Kinships are:

Multiple levels of membership, allowing those who run a Kinship to selectively promote only those who have proven themselves strong and worthy – or sneaky and crafty!

The Kinship founder will have the ability to designate an heir who will take over if the founder decides to abandon the Kinship.

Special housing will be available for Kinships that want to have their own meeting spaces, and even individual housing can be adopted for small Kinships at the click of a button.

Kinship will have an online home on the official LOTRO game portal to help them communicate and coordinate their activities.


Will kinships be race restricted?


Quite simply, no. As in the fellowship of the ring, in LOTRO there will be mixed groups.


What will the Kinship structure be?


There will be 5 levels in a kinships:

Leader (1)
Heir (1)
Eldar (unlimited)
Member (unlimited)
Recruit (unlimited)

Higher levels can promote lower levels up to their own level.


Will I be able to raise taxes in game?


No. You will have to organise this among yourselves.


Will players be able to see my Kinship name in game?


Yes. Your kinship name will probably be your surname in game.


Who can start a Kinship?


Anyone can, but there will probably be a minimum number of members.


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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
