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What do we know about monsters in LOTRO?


Most likely all creatures in the books will make it to the game and some more will be invented along those lines. In screenshot-section you can see pictures of orcs, uruks, spiders, wolves, wargs, skeleton warriors and a Balrog (!). Also there will be dragons and barrow wights in the game! Mobs will be named and will respawn. Mobs will have realistic item drops.

This is just a small sampling of the vast number of enemies you'll encounter in Lord of the Rings Online.

Related Questions:


Tell me about Wargs!


The slavering fangs and powerful jaws of Wargs have claimed the lives of many heroes. Their uncanny intelligence and formidable wolf-like form have made them favored servants of the Dark Lord for many ages.

These ancient creatures often align themselves with other evils to wreak havoc on the Free Peoples of Middle-earth.


Tell me about Corrupt Bears!


Born and bred to the service of the Dark Lord in Mordor, the Corrupted Bear indiscriminately turns its unnatural power and ferocity against all it encounters.

Once used by Sauron for war in elder days, they now run wild in the untamed lands of Eriador.


Tell me about the Men of Angmar!


“The men of Carn Dûm came on us at night, and we were worsted. Ah! the spear in my heart!…No! No!' he said, opening his eyes. 'What am I saying? I have been dreaming…”

-Meriadoc Brandybuck, The Lord of the Rings™

In the frigid wastes of northern Middle-earth lurks the remnant of the once-great army of Angmar. Long ago, these evil Men conquered the North Kingdom of Middle-earth in the name of their Dark Lord. Now they brood on their defeat at the hands of the Free Peoples as they study the secret lore of Death.

The Angmarim impatiently await the return of their Witch-king, that they may burst from the fortress of Carn Dûm and assault the territory they once occupied—the land now known as the Shire.


Tell me about Spiders!


In a long-forgotten age, the terrifying Ungoliant spawned many-legged horrors that killed their prey with strong webs and poison. Of Ungoliant’s children, only one survives in the Third Age, but many of less lineage live on to trouble the unhappy world. They weave their webs of shadow over their breeding grounds in Mirkwood Forest, and slink through secret passes in the Misty Mountains to enter the West.

Hunger or rage can drive the Spiders to an open attack, but they prefer to ambush their prey and sting them into a death-like state they mockingly call a beautiful sleep. Wise travelers heed the warning signs-- a thin creaking and hissing noise before an attack. The Spiders move swiftly, rending with their poisonous jaws, crushing with their bloated bodies, and vomiting darkness to ensnare their prey.



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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
