Slash Commands

Chat Commands

/chat, /chathelp - List of chat commands

/s - Say (local ambient chat)

/p - Party say (group chat)

/g - Guild say (guild chat)

/y - Yell (broadcast to surrounding area; use sparingly, as this can be construed as spam)

/w <player name> or /t <player name> - Whisper (or "tell" - conveys a private message to another player)

/r - Replies privately to a whisper you've received.

Party Commands

/invite <player name> or /inv <player name>- If you are the group leader, this command invites a player to your party. (If the player is close by, click on them, then right click their profile to invite, alternatively.)

/uninvite <player name> - Kicks a player from your group (group leader only).

/random <number> or /roll <number> - Randomly generates a number between one and the number specifed (group leader only).

/ffa - Sets the "free for all" loot policy (group leader only).

/master <player name> - Sets the player to be "master looter" (group leader only).

/roundrobin - Sets the "round robin" loot policy (group leader only).

Status Commands

/afk, /dnd - Raises your "Away From Keyboard" or "Do Not Disturb" flags
/follow or /f - Auto-follows another player. Be careful using this command in dangerous areas (e.g. lots of aggro, cliffs, etc.).

/sit - Sits your character down. Players regenerate faster when sitting.

/stand - You stand up. Alternatively, just move.

/pvp - Puts your character in Player vs. Player mode, making you vulnerable to attack from other players.

Guild Commands

/ghelp - For a list of guild commands.

/gquit - Removes you from your guild.

/ginvite - Invites a player to join your guild
(officers / leaders only).

/o - Sends a message to officer chat (officers / leaders only).

/gpromote <player name> - Promotes a player one rank (officers / leaders only).

/gdemote <player name> - Demotes a player one rank (officers / leaders only).

/gremove <player name> - Removes a player from the guild (officers / leaders only).

/gmotd - Sets the guild message of the day
(officers / leaders only).

/groster - Shows the guild roster (officers / leaders only).

/gleader <player name> - Allows the current guild leader to grant guild leadership to another player.

/gdisband - Disbands the guild (guild leader only).

Misc Commands

/em <message> - Creates an emote

/played - Reports the amount of time you've played the game with that character.

/who - Lists the players online.

/time - Tells you the official game time. WoW days and nights run on the real-time day / night cycle.

/trade - Invites the targetted player-character to trade with you.

Chat Channel Commands

/#, /c, /csay - Send a message to a certain channel # (E.G. /3 omw!)

/chatlist, /chatwho <channel>, /chatinfo <channel> - List channels or channel members.

/cinvite <player name>, /chatinvite <player name>- Invite a player to a channel
/announcements, /ann - Toggle join and leave announcements in a channel

/ban, /unban - Ban or unban a player from a channel (moderator only).

/join <channel name>, /channel <channel name>, /chan <channel name> - Join a channel

/kick <player name> - Kick a player from a channel

/leave <channel number>, /chatleave <channel number>, /chatexit <channel number> - Leave a channel (or all channels if unspecified)

/mod, /moderator, /unmod, /unmoderator - Change a player's moderator status

/moderate - Toggle moderation on a channel

/mute, /squelch, /unvoice, /unmute, /unsquelch, /voice - Change a player's permission status. Mute and squelch are the same thing. (moderator only).

/password, /pass <channel name ><password> - Change the channel's password (moderator only).

Combat Commands

/cast <spell name> - Use in macros to cast spells and combat abilities. Usage: /cast <full spell name> - ex. "/cast Rend (Rank 3)". Shift-click a spell on your hotbar or spellbook to automatically add the /cast command plus the full spell name to the macro line your typing up.


Emotes are fun little slash commands which are shorthand for a particular action or emotion, for example: /smile will type out the text "You smile" or "You smile at <target>." and your character will beam a smile. For a complete list of emotes, check out Blizzard's official emotes page.

Macro Basics

Access the macro interface through the main menu. Choose "New," then pick a name and an icon (any name / icon is fine, you can change it later if you like). In a macro, you can type up to 250 characters but can only cast one spell (one spell is the limit, even if the spells cast instantly) in the body section. To cast a spell, use the /cast command outlined above (under combat commands). There's no "save" button, just close the interface or create a new macro to save the macro you just created. There's no way to nest macros in other macros or any of that tomfoolery, but you can bind a macro to a key by dragging the macro icon.

Here's some more tidbits about macros:

  • Use "%T" to report your current target. This is useful to tell your group what you're about to pull, e.g. "/p % incoming! Be ready!!"
  • Want to assist your pet? Put the following in a macro: " /script if UnitExists("pet") then AssistUnit("pet"); end"
  • For other pet scripts, check out the Blizzard UI forum.
  • If you're not disposed to another type of UI mod, Cosmos reportedly allows you to put a pause in macro via the /in <number of seconds> command (i.e. begin casting fireball and say "eat fire!" 3 seconds later when the spell actually casts.)

Note that the voice emotes (ex. "/v help" to send out an emote with sound) have been temporarily removed from the game.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

Jeff joined the Ten Ton Hammer team in 2004 covering EverQuest II, and he's had his hands on just about every PC online and multiplayer game he could since.


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