Sorting the wheat from the chaff from amongst EVE Online's red herring-laced ship roster is hard work. Luckily, we have Ten Ton Hammer contributing writer, Space Junkie, here to do the sorting for us. In this guide, he discusses the best ships from amongst the tech two ship lists, and explains what makes those ships excel in their roles.

Tech two ships are the fine wine and cheese of EVE Online. While some are interesting stepping stones on the path to better ships, many represent a sort of end-game to EVE Online PvP. They are the kind of high-performance ship that players will happily specialize their characters in flying. Though the skills needed to effectively fly these can take months to train, and maxing out can take years, players persevere for the extra edge that flying these ships can provide. This guide is a survey of the best specimens from amongst the most popular tech two ship types.

Read more about the best tech two ships in EVE Online.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
