WoW Shaman Forums
– Class Q&A: Shamans



around the world Rejoice!!! On
the class Shaman Q&A series with Greg
“Ghostwalker” Street
and the development team, Shaman players around the world

give great
feedback and opinions on the WoW Shaman Class Forums.

makes the Shaman Class unique? Unique powerful spells like
Bloodlust/Heroism to start with. Totems
and weapon enchants are a unique but unparallel part of being a
shaman class.

Last but not least, shield spells like Earth Shield,
Lightening Shield, and Water Shield along with Shock spells and
self-rez ability make the shaman a unique
“offensive” hybrid

new totem bar in 3.2, will it fix the problem? One of
the single biggest concerns in the Shaman community is totems.I
believe with the insertion of the new Totem Bar, it will solve a lot
of these concerns. In my experience as a
Restoration Shaman, when engaging a boss encounter, I run in and drop
all four of my totems which can take up to six or seven seconds based
on mods, quickness, and global cool downs and then throw a heal on
the tank which can be from 1.35 seconds (Lesser Healing Wave +
Current Spell Haste) to 2.26 seconds (Chain Heal + Current Spell
Haste). This inordinate amount of time can often result a tank or
careless DPS being two shotted. Having the reduction in time
from a single GCD on totems could be the
difference between life and death.

Shamans need more hit points? Currently Shamans have the lowest base
hit points of any class in the
World of Warcraft.
Blizzard recognizes that and is looking to
address that problem in 3.2. Improve on PvE itemization for all
three specs? For example, one of the biggest concerns regarding
enhancement spec in Ulduar is the stat Armor Penetration, which many
weapons and armor in Ulduar possess, but it is not a desirable stat
for an enhancement shaman. 

Restoration Shamans once again be
effective raid healers in Ulduar and future instances? I quote from
Blizzard “We do think Restoration Shamans are at the risk of
running out of mana perhaps more than any other healer right now, and
in fact the seemingly unlimited mana in some healers is what leads to
Chain Heal getting stomped on by other big heals. This is a problem
we plan on addressing.” HOORAY!!! I personally love what
addresses about Restoration Shamans in this Q&A.

but not least – PvP. Mobility
is the single biggest concern regarding Shamans and PvP. Designers
often call Shamans “Turrets” and “Sit and
Spin and Shoot (or
heal).” Restoration Shamans survivability is low because of
lack of mobility and Earth Shield being too easy to dispel.

Answers, and Concerns wrap
up into one big Shaman discussion. Join
the discussion on the official forums color="#0000ff"> lang="zxx"> href="">

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016


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