Drysc Explains the Daze Condition in WoW

Blizzard decided that after quite a bit of confusion and misunderstandings about the daze condition, that it would be acceptable to send Drysc and provide some insight on how the condition works, how it is acquired, and how it could be avoided.

The chance to be dazed is determined by the character’s base defense rating as compared to the mobs level, or technically the defense of the character versus the attack skill of the mob (which is always maxed at [5 x mob level]).

A level 70 mob would have an attack of 350 as compared to a level 70’s character defense of 350. The base chance is 20% and this lowers or raises based on the difference between player defense and mob attack, to a minimum of 0% chance, or maximum of 40% chance.

To read the rest of the explanation, its mechanics and numbers, as well as the community's replies, head on over to WoW's Official Forums!

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
