If you’ve done any of the dungeon content in World of Warcraft since Cataclysm came out then you might have noticed something. Yes, dungeons are actually difficult again! Obviously this has not gone unnoticed, with the community split between impatient souls who expected easy gear and those who, like me, are relishing the challenge. As a result, Ghostcrawler’s timely Essay of the Week is amusing titled: ”Wow, Dungeons are Hard!”

I know I say this every week but Ghostcrawler’s opuses really are required reading and this one is particularly relevant given the shock experience by many the first time they entered a Cataclysm dungeon. Yes, we’ve all been there, whether it’s a Tank zerging in where even Dragon Aspects fear to tread or the healers OOMing not because they’re crap but because their spells are literally draining every last drop of the blue stuff. Then, of course, there are the people who realise this dungeon won’t be taking under five minutes or get annoyed with the wipefest and just /p quit.

For this reason, Ghostcrawler hasn’t just commented on this, he’s being helpful and supplies a list of tips for dealing with any kind of dungeon heroic situation you can think of. The fact of the matter remains, the Easy Street days of Wrath are long gone and heroics are heroics for a reason so get used to it. So, while you’re waiting for the Dungeon Finder to teleport you into that latest pug, do go give his latest essay a read, if just for the knowledge that Ghostcrawler owns four dogs and that while his three retrievers are epic, he also has a green terrier for disenchanting purposes.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
