The EverQuest II Achievement Abilities Guide has been added to and updated! We've tossed in a bit more information, and a sample chart to make things a bit more clear when you are looking for advice on how to spend your points. You'll also find links to all 36 of the class and sub-class achievement charts, giving you a quick and easy reference when you aren't in game!

Once you hit top level, adventuring experience is converted into achievement experience, which still give those of us at level cap something to strive for. Before that though you will have to work a bit harder for them. Non-repeated quests, item and location discoveries, heroic named mob kills, and gaining an adventure level are all some of the ways that you will gain achievement experience. As a soloer, questing is your best course of earning the APs. For groupers, hitting those named mobs as often as possible, anytime you go dungeon crawling, will help you earn them faster.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our EverQuest II Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
