Mmmmm! Screenshots...

As one of the longest running and most popular science fiction
television programs to ever hit our late night screens, it was
inevitable that Stargate received the official video game treatment.
However, no one expected that one of the first games out of the gate
(heh) would be a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game by the
name of Stargate Worlds. With the release of their official trailer,
Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment has put this MMOG firmly on the map and
gathered a whole host of new fans. The Ten Ton Hammer staff was lucky
enough to receive six brand new screenshots from the CME team,
showcasing the two new worlds displayed in the trailer: Agnos and Anima
Vitrus. Enjoy!

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Stargate Worlds Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016

About The Author

Karen is H.D.i.C. (Head Druid in Charge) at EQHammer. She likes chocolate chip pancakes, warm hugs, gaming so late that it's early, and rooting things and covering them with bees. Don't read her Ten Ton Hammer column every Tuesday. Or the EQHammer one every Thursday, either.
