Blizzard has posted another FAQ on the changes to old world zones caused by Cataclysm.

Game designers Luis Barriga and Craig Amai sat down with us to discuss upcoming changes to Darkshore's landscape, the fate of Auberdine, and the challenges of redesigning an old-world zone from the ground up in this World of Warcraft: Cataclysm content preview. Check out the new Q&A on the Cataclysm site now!

For those observant readers, this is the same FAQ that was provided to TenTonHammer two weeks ago. For anyone that missed it though it's a good chance to catch up on news. You can find our original posting of it here: Cataclysm Preview Q&A: Redesigning Darkshore.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

Byron has been playing and writing about World of Warcraft for the past ten years. He also plays pretty much ever other Blizzard game, currently focusing on Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone, while still finding time to jump into Diablo III with his son.
