Name: Brokain
Character Name:
Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:

WAR headed to Asia
<strong>So instead Ogres, will there be Oni?</strong>
Dev Chat at Warcry
<strong>Maaaaan! I had Biology labs last night and missed the WAR Dev Chat!</strong>
Combining PvP and PvE, Pt.2
<strong> but Mooooom, I don't WANNA PvP!</strong> <br />
Combining PvP and PvE, Pt.2
WAR Interview at Warcry
<strong>Sacking cities! Loot! uhm...what do I get?</strong>
WAR Dev Chat on Wednesday
<strong> Maybe I should ask them... No, no, I should ask about...</strong>
Combining PvP and PvE
<strong>Hey! You got your PvP in my PvE!</strong> <br />
Tour De WAR
<strong>Ok, so let's see, I need to schedule time off in April... time off in June...</strong>
WAR re-review at MMOgamer
<strong>Melee'd to death by a mage?! Say it ain't so!</strong>