Name: Brokain
Character Name:
Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:

WAR Wins Another Award
<strong>And the awards keep on coming...</strong>
Reasons to Look Forward to WAR 2
Win A WAAAGH! T-shirt
<strong>Like the T-shirt? That's right, WAR 4 Life, baybee!!!</strong>
Reasons to Look Forward to WAR
<strong>Oh WAR how do we love thee? Let count the ways.</strong>
Reasons to Look Forward to WAR
2007 Greenys
<strong>And it's site one in the lead, followed up closely by site 4 and 3...</strong>
WAR Wins Game Spy Award
<strong>And the winner iiiiiiis..oh my god, I can't look...</strong>
The 2007 "Greenys"
<strong>And the winner for best fansite is....</strong>
Dark Elves w/ Josh Drescher