Name: Brokain
Character Name:
Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:

Merry Christmas!!
<strong>MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!</strong>
Dark Elf Career - Disciple
WAR Fan Fiction
<strong>It... was... a dark... and... stormy... night. Hmmm, yeah, that's a great start!</strong>
Updated WAR FAQ
<strong>Mommy, why do Orcs only have guys and no girls? </strong>
WAR Beta Update 6
<strong>Black Orcs, Dark Elf Sorceresses, and... City Ninjas?</strong>
WAR Interview at Warcry
<strong>In it for the long haul</strong>
Josh Drescher Interviews
<strong>You gotta wonder if this guy ever gets tired of talking about WAR...</strong>
WAR Mounts Gallery
WAR Beta Resumes
<strong>IT'S COMING!! IT'S COMING!!</strong>