Age of Conan First Impressions Review

by on May 23, 2008

First Impressions Are
Lasting Ones


The massively multiplayer online game marketplace has waited for five
years to see the release of Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. But the
wait is finally over! Thousands of individuals have flooded into
Hyboria in search of unending treasures and terrifying monsters, but
there are still some waiting to jump into the savage land and their
nagging questions remain mostly unanswered. Ten Ton Hammer's Cody
"Micajah" Bye sat down with his copy of Age of Conan and tore through
the first few levels of the game in order to answer the questions of
the few who are sitting on the fence. Grab a beer (or a soda if you're
underage) and take a moment to enjoy Ten Ton Hammer's Age of Conan
First Impressions Review!


time participants in the world of Robert E. Howard need not worry about
knowing the lore of the world beforehand. Although I've read a number
of Howard's short stories, I'm nowhere near as competent with the Conan
mythologies as some, and I easily fell into the twisting yarn that
Funcom had produced. Even though the story may have clichéd beginnings,
it's easy to feel that your character is venturing into the middle of a
vast adventure where he or she is the central protagonist.

of Conan First Impressions Review

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016