Anarchy Online Developer Diary #3: Becoming a Game Writer

by on Jan 16, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Don'tcha wish your girlfriend could </span><span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">write</span><span

Don'tcha wish your
girlfriend could
style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">write style="font-weight: bold;"> like me? (And that she was a
game writer...)

On the eve of Ten Ton Hammer's visit to the Funcom development studios,
the staff received another developer blog from Anarchy Online's always
lovely Nina Sund. In the third developer blog, Nina discusses how she
entered the industry, the skills needed to be a writer, and the games
that influenced her. Learning about industry veterans is always an
enjoyable prospect, and we urge you to take a look at Nina's blog!

I was a gamer before writing stories was part of my
job, and I don't
have any official background as a writer, so I see myself more as a
game designer that writes than a writer that designs games. I wouldn't
say you need a lot of technical knowledge to be successful. Of course,
you must have some computer literacy and be able to use whatever tools
you use in your work, but don't let any of that stop you if you want to
write for the game industry. I know people who are great at their jobs
(writing, art, designing) who aren't wiz-kids with technical

Online Developer Diary #3: Becoming a Game Writer
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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016