Avoiding the Progress Trap - An MMOG Industry Retrospective

by on Jan 18, 2010

<p>Massive pre-launch hype followed by rapidly declining post-launch subscriptions has been a recurring cycle in the MMOG industry over the last few years.

Massive pre-launch hype followed by rapidly declining post-launch subscriptions has been a recurring cycle in the MMOG industry over the last few years. While any number of factors may play a role, maybe we as gamers are simply looking for a completely new type of MMOG experience rather than a carbon copy of the same basic template that’s been endlessly recycled over the past decade. To take a closer look at this concept, we’ll analyze elements of what made MMOGs successful to begin with, and how the industry can avoid falling into its own progress trap moving forward.

Along with Ultima Online, EverQuest helped establish many of the gameplay mechanics and activities we now take for granted as belonging in any new title in the genre. Be it combat, classes or crafting, we still look to that original template to help define what an MMOG even is. In other words, whenever a new title is announced, we immediately assume that specific conventions will be adhered to while we simultaneously desire something altogether new.

To read Avoiding the Progress Trap – An MMOG Industry Retrospective, click here!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016