Border Kingdom Cryer - Nerfs and Balances

by on Aug 01, 2008

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(Note: If you don't understand something I have said or abbreviated, get caught up on the terminology here.)

Official AoC Forums

no more mammoth POST-PATCH

It seems a new issue has turned up with some players since the latest patch. Some players are finding themselves unable to ride their mammoth mounts. If you are having this problem you can gather a little information from this thread as Funcom Senior Community Manager, Glen "Famine" Swan has dropped in to post on the issue.

Update 31st July - Discussion Thread

The recent July 31st update was well received by some, but not so much by others. In other words it was a typical update. You can read and discuss the changes in this thread to voice your thoughts or concerns. Some of the more controversial changes involve the invulnerability gem adjustments and the new bind on equip/bind on acquire mechanics. Do you feel this is a good change for balance and economy or bad idea. Let us know here.

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title="Title of Your Image"> src="" alt="Tanks" height="373"
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title="Title of Your Image">

Ten Ton Hammer has added new massive PvP guides.

Grouping - hardest classes to find?

What is the hardest class for you to find when forming a group? That is the subject of this thread. Tell us what gives you the most trouble in finding. In many MMORPGs the hardest class to find is often a healer, but in Hyboria (and this thread) it seems the hardest to find class is actually the tanks. Personally as a guardian I don't get recruited often enough when I am looking for group.

Funcom seems to have forgotten there are PVE shards

This thread offers up some good point about the changes Funcom has been focusing on in a lot of recent and upcoming changes. There are many good points and feedback within the thread once you read past the trolls, and flaming folk who seem to mistakenly believe this game was made for only PvP or only PvE. I say flamers because that is pretty much all they are doing as they obviously never followed the games development as they try to flame with that uneducated point. Put on your flame retardant underoos and tell us what you think.

Necro that may move to Demo?

This thread was created by a necromancer considering taking up the art of demonology. This led to a lot of good discussion about the two classes, so if you have been leaning one way or the other between these two classes as a main or alt you may want to check this thread out and ask some questions of your own.


AoC Ten Ton Hammer Threads of the Week

Siege Attack or Defense?

Which do you prefer when it comes to all out war within the Border Kingdoms? Would you rather be on the attacking or defending side? That is the subject of this thread and this week's poll. Vote now and tell us your preference and why.

AoC at ComicCon - New Dungeon Revealed

ComicCon had a lot of great things recently and Ten Ton Hammer was there to bring you the goods. This thread discusses the video interview we scored at ComicCon with AoC Product Manager Erling Ellingsen as he talked about Age of Conan and some of the things to come. Watch the video and tell us what you think as we move forward in Hyboria.

Sieging 101 - A Guide to Massive PvP

This week yours truly posted a series of guides on the subject of massive PvP sieging and defense. This thread discusses the guide on sieging and how to reduce an enemy's keep to a smoldering pile of smoking rubble. There have been some good points and discussion on this topic. Feel free to add your two copper.

Weekly Funny With The Tuk

(The Weekly Funny is not reflective of the views of Ten Ton Hammer. The are however of mine. =p )

Everybody enjoys a good trick every now and then. The real method to showing off a good lighter trick is to make sure you haven't saturated your hand with lighter fluid before lighting it. Nuff said, just have a look.

style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: left; width: 136px; height: 100px;">

title="Title of Your Image"> src="" alt="Tanks" height="640"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 150px; height: 113px;" />

This week Martuk and Gibbles bring you a public service announcement.


Ten Ton Comics

Lost In Hyboria - "Scammed"

This week "Lost in Hyboria" brings you a public service announcement and tries to warn you to always safeguard and never give out your personal information to a would be scammer.


This Week's AoC Ten Ton Hammer Hot Content

This week AoC officially launched and Ten Ton Hammer has rolled out a ton of new content, videos, and guides. In case you missed it here is all the great content from this past week alone.


Sieging 101 - A Guide to Massive PvP Siege Defense 101 - A Guide to Defending Your Keep Sieging 101 Video Field of the Dead Quest Guide Field of the Dead Map Guide Armsman Tavern's "The Arena" Field of the Dead Premium Map Eiglophian Mountains Quest Guide


Lost In Hyboria - "Scammed" Lost In Hyboria Collection

Other Content

Clan Interview and Showcase - The Kinship Video: Upcoming AoC Content with Erling Ellingsen Grog's Rants - July 27, 2008 The New PvP System In Town - Part One Discuss this week's hot topics on our forum.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016