Border Kingdom Cryer - Testlive is Live

by on Jul 10, 2008

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(Note: If you don't understand something I have said or abbreviated, get caught up on the terminology here.)

Official AoC Forums

Test Server Forums?

The Test server is now live and along with it a nice shiny new forum. You can discuss the TestLive forums in this thread or pay them a visit yourself here. If you are looking for the duplicator tool to join the Testlive server you can download it here. Now go forth and help Funcom squash any bugs you can find.

The Wiccana Server - Player Bill of Conduct & Etiquette

RhomalMaximus put together this little code of ethics thread for Wiccana server in an attempt to help foster a better community. There are some common sense items in there, but all good to follow in a community setting to help create a fun and respectable atmosphere.

Why is everyone assuming gems will be nerfed?

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Some newcomers want to know if AoC is like WoW.

This thread sparked some decent discussion about the current gems in Age of Conan and some of their effects. Some feel it works good while others point out some issues with balance such as stacking evasion gems. What's your take? Tell us and add your feedback. Remember, don't feed the trolls.

Macros, Scripting and Emotes in Age of Conan, Part 2

Conanimal put this thread together to discuss some guide work he did to aid players in creating scripts, and macros for Age of Conan. If you have been wanting to learn how this stuff works, this is a good place to start.


AoC Ten Ton Hammer Threads of the Week

Age of Conan, worth it ?

Imagination wants some feedback on Age of Conan and if he should give it a go. Many of our community have already stepped in to provide a lot of feedback and discussion. What are your thoughts? Is AoC all you hoped it would be or do you find it lacking? Tell us your thoughts and explain your reasoning.

Just like WoW?

Some newcomers to our little corner of Hyboria are considering trying the game, but some want to know if it is like World of Warcraft. Some of our community have already engaged in some light hearted and comical discussion on the subject, but truth be told AoC is nothing like WoW save the common MMORPG characteristics. Chime in and tell us what you think.

Guild City Creation Movie

Romtim of the guild Titanium on Aquilonia server recently posted a video of their cities construction. If you haven't seen a city go up yet this will give you a good idea of the process. Congrats to Titanium (Aquilonia server) on completing their city.

anyone want to share their feat spec

This thread discusses the feat builds of one of my favorite classes, the guardian. Do you have a build to share? Do it here and read through some of our member posts about their chosen builds if you need a few good ideas.


Weekly Tuk Tidbit

This week we are deviating a bit from the comical feeds I usually place here and I am adding instead a useful little video for all of you aspiring Machinima artists out there. This video will offer up a brief tutorial on how you can begin to make your own videos, so any of you that have been itching to give this a try check this out.

Machinima Tutorial 101- The Basics

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This week Mort the Vile shows how twisted his necromancy really is.


Ten Ton Comics

Lost In Hyboria - "Head-sticles"

This week Mort the Vile shows what happens when you run short of body parts when summoning a flesh made beasts. As a clue it involves human heads and gibbly gibblets.


This Week's AoC Ten Ton Hammer Hot Content

This week AoC officially launched and Ten Ton Hammer has rolled out a ton of new content, videos, and guides. In case you missed it here is all the great content from this past week alone.


Khemi Premium Map Khopshef Province Quest Guide Wildlands of Zelata Map Guide Conall's Valley Quest Guide Update Field of the Dead: Southwest Region Quest Guide

Class Info

Necromancer Spell List 61-80 Tempest of Set Feats Updated!


Lost In Hyboria - "Head-sticles"

Other Content

Tortage Premium Video Guide Discuss this week's hot topics on our forum.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016