Ahh, Civilization. The source of so much lost productivity and laziness, the source of lost sleep and angry spouses. It's time to do it all over again in Civilization V. A new round of crazy changes has hit the field, and do they all mesh well enough for the final product to be worthy of the Civilization title? Read on to find out!

Everything is here you could ask for, but the only thing that keeps this from a perfect score is a lack of documentation. Some units will have weaknesses indicated by arrows. You hover over the arrow, and it says “Penalty against cities” How much is it? Your guess is as good as mine until you use it. These kinds of things in the in-game encyclopedia not having numbers beside their descriptions really bothers me, and makes me think the game could use some more polish in the details.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Civilization V Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
