Comic: Geeked - "Classic Pick-Up Lines #1"

by on May 25, 2009

<p>It's funny, because to be honest Adam really doesn't need coaching to get the ladies. Something about his flabby pale exterior, massive head, and undeniably geeky demeanor make the female species...</p>

It's funny, because to be honest Adam really doesn't need coaching to get the ladies. Something about his flabby pale exterior, massive head, and undeniably geeky demeanor make the female species flock to him. Just ask his lovely lady friend of some seven years. Shall I give you their SSNs now too while I'm at it?

Perhaps I've said too much. I'll stop here and just let you all go read about our spiffy FusionFall Swag Giveaway.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016