Coming to Blows

by on Mar 28, 2006

Today's article wraps up this month's Tuesday's Take highly debated topic of PVP vs PVE.<br />

Today's article wraps up this month's Tuesday's Take highly debated topic of PVP vs PVE.

Mercurie shares his "take" in Coming to Blows

For me the appeal of a PvE environment lies in the cooperation with other characters in completing quests. The only opponents one might face are the various mobs that might get in one's way. For me the appeal in PvP lies in the competition with other players and the threat of being attacked at any moment. I suppose one way of looking at it is PvE is like The Hobbit. The only real threats come primarily from outsiders. On the other hand, PvP is like Sin City. Threats can come from, well, anyone...

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016