February is behind us now and so is
DC Universe Online's first whack at a
major update. Whether you loved it or hated it, the DCUO team took all of
your feedback to heart and will be putting it to good use with the March update
which was a topic covered in DCUO's first ever Facebook live chat. What
does the team have in store? The chat was cut short by technical
malfunctions, but Ten Ton Hammer caught what live chat there was to be had. Keep
reading to find out what they had to share.
You can't know where you are going until you know where you have been.
Someone smart probably said that, but it definitely applies to game updates.
The DCUO February update was a learning experience for all but the devs took
from it some very good pointers that will shape monthly updates to come.
Players may not have been completely stoked about the Aphrodite event, but
developers say that the Catwoman storyline and instance was well received and
definitely something that they will keep in mind for future updates. This
is clear with the announcement that there will be a featured Two-Face storyline,
similar to what they did with Catwoman, that will involve boss fights with some
big baddies like the Penguin. If you're a Two-Face fan then you will also
be glad to know that he will be making it in as a PvP Legend option and
will wield a supercharge coin toss that just screams "iconic".
DCUO won't be skimping on the holiday events this month either.
Everyone is a little bit Irish for St Patrick's Day, in game and out. As a
change from the February Valentine's update, this holiday event will be less
cutesy and more in line with what the in-game world already conveys. The
event will take place in open world rather than in an instance this time and it
will feature what developers call a "badass" leprechaun Celtic costume set.
The new content doesn't stop there and those who have been enjoying the
Batcave instances will be thrilled to hear that the third installment in this
storyline will be incoming this month. As a completion to the story,
players will be fighting some intense fights including one against Brainiac
himself! This is the first time players will be facing this ultra-villain
so if you haven't gotten in on the Batcave raids, do so now so that you are
prepared to make DCUO history with the incoming Batcave III.
In addition to some very welcome new playable content, the game will also
be seeing a few updates that players have been yelling for. First,
exploits are getting some attention. No doubt cheating happens in every MMOG out
there, but the devs are ready to put the smack down some obnoxious ones, such as
animation cancelling. More updates will also be coming to the user
interface and chat user friendliness. Cascading quick menus are going to
be added to allow players to quickly get to the options that they need so we can
finally say goodbye to the awkward chat and hello to quick and easy.
Speaking of quick and easy, there are also updates coming to the queuing system.
With better queue logic and more power for players over their groups, managing
your groups will be less of a hassle feel less like you are juggling the unknown.
The team has some other goodies in the works that they weren't quite ready to
talk about right now. They did share that a new duo featuring the yellow
versus green Laterns storyline is in the pipes so you can hope to see more of
Arkillo and Kilowog eventually.
The March update appears that it will be taking a page from the best parts of
the February update and making improvements to the current game overall.
No date has been set yet for this month's major patch, but be sure to check back
with Ten Ton Hammer soon for more news and information on this upcoming update.
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our DC Universe Online Game Page.