It has been just over a month since the long awaited action MMOG,
DC Universe
Online, has launched. Since then, the fate of this mold-breaking
multi-platform game has been on watch by the gaming community. With fast
paced-action combat and fast-paced progression it may be the perfect MMOG for
gaming adrenaline junkies but there is a cap to all that fun. As more and
more players hit that cap and start looking around for something to do, Sony
Online Entertainment swoops in with an answer, and that answer is a promised
major content update that not only adds a holiday event but also high-end fun to
keep the game from getting too stagnant for cappers. How did DCUO's first
update attempt do? Lets take a look at what was added and what it really
brings to the DCUO community of players.
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
I just love holiday events in games. They not only give the players something
different to do for a short time, but they also give developers a chance to flex
their creativity. Woo me with this temporary content and I will
adore you forever! Unfortunately, it seems the DCUO dev team fell behind
because the Valentines Day event went live more than a week after the actual
holiday. Typically we'd like to see this content prior to the holiday so
we can get into the spirit of it before he candy hearts hit the clearance isle
of the grocery store, but it's not a deal breaker for me.
The event isn't too bad for a first try. I received a mission from
Booster Gold in the Watchtower to find a fountain which lead me to a zone where
myself and other players attempted to earn little hearts (the event currency)
that could be used to purchase a wide selection of holiday goodies. The
jumping pads took some getting used to, but if I can earn a full holiday armor
set, it's all worth it. Keep these coming SOE, specialized limited time
armor is VERY cool.
I'm probably not the only player to say this, but...FINALLY! The
absolute best thing about this update is that brokers are in game and we can all
now sell our junk to other players. The broker system, found at stations
inside the Watchtower and Hall of Doom, appear to be pretty easy to use and
typical of other broker/auction systems. One tab allows you to either
search for what you are looking for, or you can navigate categories to browse
for items. Another tab provides the interface to set up your own auctions
for items you don't want or need. You create your auction by selecting it
from the menu of items that appears after clicking "Add Item". Put in a
sale price then select how long you want the item to be for sale (12 hours, 24
hours, or 48 hours), and you are good to go!
You will be paying a fee for the auction, the cost depends on how long you
choose for the auction to run but it's a small price to pay in order to have
player trading. I made my first sale within an hour of putting up the
item. Huzzah! Money I didn't have before! The auction system
will be great to trade armor and especially great to nab those collection items
that can be oh so elusive.
Dailies, Duos, and Raids
The star of this update, and likely every major future update, is definitely
the end-game content. It has been repeatedly stated by SOE that they
intend to keep content for capped players flowing, a necessity for a game that
has an extremely rapid progression to end game.
The February update is really DCUO's first test. Can this content catch
the already waning attention of the high-end players?
As part of the update, a new duo, PvP ring event, alert, a solo storyline
with Catwoman and part two of the Batcave raid were added. This may seem
like a lot of content, and it is! Each piece touches just about every type
of gameplay for level thirty players and for those who like to diversify their
gameplay, the update added a pretty big chunk of new things to do. This will
keep players happy for about a week I estimate. It may be long enough to entice
players to pay for one more month, but SOE is going to have to crank out this
level of quality every month to really impress. In a
interview with Ten Ton Hammer, Game Director Chris Cao mentioned that this
update might not be the same as the next in size. Players should expect to see a staggering pattern with a fair mix of monthly smaller updates
and larger, wide-scale updates.
Overall, this is an impressive update, even if it did miss the mark on
release date. Having a clear schedule for content releases is going to be
very important so that players know what to expect and when and hopefully once
the dev team gets into a groove everything will flow in on time. The good
news is, these monthly content updates will go a long way in keeping the
interest of players. Clearly SOE understands the importance of
re-playability and they are striving to do what they can to keep all aspects of
the playerbase happy.
If you haven't been in game to check out the new content, get in there now!
The holiday event won't be here forever and unlike most of the new content, the
event is available to all levels. What about the new content do you love?
Is there something that you wish had been added instead? Speak up and
share your thoughts with our community.
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our DC Universe Online Game Page.