Dungeon Runners Chunk #2 Screenshots

by on Dec 12, 2007

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Your dungeon run now features ads</span><br>

Your dungeon run now
features ads

Advertising in games has been a notoriously tough sell for most MMOG
publishers. Although companies would love the extra revenue generated
through the advertisements, most of their gamers have such an aversion
to in-game ads that they would toss away their subscriptions at the
first sign of a blatant in-game advertisement. However, NCsoft was
willing to take a chance with their already free-to-play game, Dungeon
Runners, and have incorporated an ad banner on the top of their game
client, which can be shut off if the players pays for a membership. Now
that Chunk #2 has launched for Dungeon Runners, the ad banner has gone
live and Ten Ton Hammer has the screenshots to prove it!

Runners Chunk #2 Screenshots
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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016