E3 Impressions – Day One: The Tides of … June!

by on Jun 12, 2013

A stroll down memory lane of our first day at this year’s E3 expo.

Dear diary,

Today, Reuben “Sardu” Waters and I found ourselves in a magical and wonderful place called E3. It was pretty spiffy. The end.

Come on on folks, you know me better than that! Today was actually pretty damn awesome and I'm here to give you the scoop. Be sure to keep your browser's sights on this page to check out all our upcoming in-depth coverage of Black Gold, Age of Wushu, Dragon’s Prophet, DC Universe Online, and World of Warships. And that's just all from day one!!!

We started off the day wide-eyed and bedazzled, staggering through the hotel lobby as we anticipated our upcoming day of awesome. After some much needed coffee we were in better shape to check out what Snail Games, Sony Online Entertainment, and Wargaming.Net had in store for us.

After a relaxing trip through downtown Los Angeles, we hit the convention center and spent all of two minutes getting our badges. Seriously, there's not a show or press event I've been to that has made this process easier. As we then headed to the doors (you can see there was a bit of a crowd), we passed by the overflowing media center. It's great that the show set a place like that up for all us press types, but it was just a constant sea of people squatting wherever that could find a spot. Not my cup of tea (though the lemonade was tasty).

First up on our list was a meeting with Snail Games where we got a hands-on look at an upcoming steampunk-style game called Black Gold. While Reuben was beating the hell out of a boss mob called Meathead, I bombarded our enthusiastic host with a merciless barrage of questions. We then had a chance to throw down in Age of Wushu and get some much anticipated dueling time in. While our intrepid guide was showing Reuben a number of new skills that will be coming to the game soon, I was showing off my l33t beatdown skills on some helpless newb. Okay, truth be told, The other player walked away from their station halfway through the duel and I didn't, but a win is a win, dammit.

Once we came to the end of our session with Snail Games, it was time to visit with some old and new friends from SOE. We got to test out DCUO on the Playstation 4 (that's not a typo - PS4 in the house!), talked with Matt Higby about Planetside 2 (also coming to the PS4), and finally got some hands-on dragon-training love (don’t judge me) with Dragon’s Prophet.

Eventually, all good things must come to an end, and while I love the hospitality they showed us, the showing of World of Warships Wargaming.Net gave us was about what you would expect from any other alpha footage presentation. If you are a huge WWII fanatic, you may very well love it, but the game is just not my style.

Overall, I have to say it was a pretty awesome day. We didn't have much time to wander the show floor today, but throughout the week we'll be sharing what else we thought was cool, find out the current status of Thief (look closely at the banner image in this article), and tell you who our nominees for best in show are so don't change that channel!

Remember, if you have questions, comments, rants, or raves, hit me up on Twitter or send me an email!

Sent from my iPhone

PS - Thankfully, we've managed to avoid any major incidents with the various clans in and around the Santa Monica pier area where the Team Hammer mobile command unit is stationed this year.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016